Tuesday, June 28, 2005
20 Pose Ideas
Yay, today I shall be nice and not give them the attention they need. I am only going to show you the most common pictures of CUTE *AHEM* little common girls available almost anywhere nowadays.
(*While stocks last. Actually, these stocks will never run out. There are too many of them. Multiplying, replicating, cloning.)
So you're inspired to become a bimbo as well? Actually, I'd love to see our readers and their attempt to look like one bimbo. Hehe, show us your pictures of you acting like a bimbo to our email: twitsPI@yahoo.com lol~ I won't show it to the world if you don't want me to. :D
Here are some good examples and tips for you, anyhow.
TOP 20 ways to look stupid:

Tilt your head and look at the camera at this angle. Most classic. Makes you looks super stupid. My no. 1 recommendation!

The caption should most probably go, "+*.gerr.misshh.boii.*+"

It's very cool to show off your high foreheads.

Look at that! 13 pair of purposely enlarged eyes staring at you. How freaky. :)
Friendster only allows you to add 12 photos. Which is not enough! Why not combine them all into one photo so you can show the world all your stupid pictures! Show us your freaky eyes.

Don't miss any chance to show off your HAPPY VALLEY. :)

Put pictures either very DARK or very BRIGHT so people can see shit.

Hide one eye.

Blur the picture so noone can tell how bad you look!

Label yourself. The more thick-skinned the better. Eg. "sweetiee", "cutieger".

Take a picture of yourself in the mirror. Show your figure too. :)

PRETEND TO HAVE A TWIN. lmao. How pathetic is that?

Stick your tongue out.

Put your fingers on your lips, meanwhile, use your HAIR to cover your horrifying face.

Self protrait, and tell the whole world by including your hand. Actually it just tells me how bad her photography skills are.

Super close up. And remember in your caption, include where you were at that point of time! It's so dumb. As if we can see.

Flip it upside down. :)

Edit it with alot of Photoshop.

Take a picture of you and your dear LC. :D

Take a picture of yourself sleeping, and purposely ask "who took it? ^^"

Combine and draw something in paint.

Act shy. Hide behind something.
It's kinda late actually. Hence, I apologise if this post didn't contain much quality. :( but I assure you it came from the heart.
This post is dedicated to my new found love, Camry. (oh, I give myself to you as a present. That's the best present you ever got, aye! FOR I AM SO HANDSOME!)
*+~^lUb eUu lOrTz LOrTz oHhx lA0p0z! mUaCkiEeX~ oUr lUb sToLiE(story) sTaRtZ oN 28 JuN 2005 12.52am n wiLL nEbEr eNd dE.. hEeHeEx..!! aii nii yii beii zii.*^+~
Remember to wish my honey happy birthday, if not I'll grab your balls. :)
(*While stocks last. Actually, these stocks will never run out. There are too many of them. Multiplying, replicating, cloning.)
So you're inspired to become a bimbo as well? Actually, I'd love to see our readers and their attempt to look like one bimbo. Hehe, show us your pictures of you acting like a bimbo to our email: twitsPI@yahoo.com lol~ I won't show it to the world if you don't want me to. :D
Here are some good examples and tips for you, anyhow.
TOP 20 ways to look stupid:

Tilt your head and look at the camera at this angle. Most classic. Makes you looks super stupid. My no. 1 recommendation!

The caption should most probably go, "+*.gerr.misshh.boii.*+"

It's very cool to show off your high foreheads.

Look at that! 13 pair of purposely enlarged eyes staring at you. How freaky. :)
Friendster only allows you to add 12 photos. Which is not enough! Why not combine them all into one photo so you can show the world all your stupid pictures! Show us your freaky eyes.

Don't miss any chance to show off your HAPPY VALLEY. :)

Put pictures either very DARK or very BRIGHT so people can see shit.

Hide one eye.

Blur the picture so noone can tell how bad you look!

Label yourself. The more thick-skinned the better. Eg. "sweetiee", "cutieger".

Take a picture of yourself in the mirror. Show your figure too. :)

PRETEND TO HAVE A TWIN. lmao. How pathetic is that?

Stick your tongue out.

Put your fingers on your lips, meanwhile, use your HAIR to cover your horrifying face.

Self protrait, and tell the whole world by including your hand. Actually it just tells me how bad her photography skills are.

Super close up. And remember in your caption, include where you were at that point of time! It's so dumb. As if we can see.

Flip it upside down. :)

Edit it with alot of Photoshop.

Take a picture of you and your dear LC. :D

Take a picture of yourself sleeping, and purposely ask "who took it? ^^"

Combine and draw something in paint.

Act shy. Hide behind something.
It's kinda late actually. Hence, I apologise if this post didn't contain much quality. :( but I assure you it came from the heart.
This post is dedicated to my new found love, Camry. (oh, I give myself to you as a present. That's the best present you ever got, aye! FOR I AM SO HANDSOME!)
*+~^lUb eUu lOrTz LOrTz oHhx lA0p0z! mUaCkiEeX~ oUr lUb sToLiE(story) sTaRtZ oN 28 JuN 2005 12.52am n wiLL nEbEr eNd dE.. hEeHeEx..!! aii nii yii beii zii.*^+~
Remember to wish my honey happy birthday, if not I'll grab your balls. :)
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heyy... y u so bhb huh?
knn.. post 1 of moii pal foto nt enuff ahrx.. still post another 1.. cb.. wtf u wan?? cb... u sayy u're handsome?? oh pls.. dun make me vomit n end up in hospital.. u envyy kim izzit?? post her foto 4 wat fuck.. kim issh more chio den ur camry bitch izzit... tt's 4 sure 1 la.. face e facts la... if nt u cum 2 this world 4 wat fcuk..
if u dare cum out la.. or show us ur fucking face..
nb pcb..
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia..
knn.. post 1 of moii pal foto nt enuff ahrx.. still post another 1.. cb.. wtf u wan?? cb... u sayy u're handsome?? oh pls.. dun make me vomit n end up in hospital.. u envyy kim izzit?? post her foto 4 wat fuck.. kim issh more chio den ur camry bitch izzit... tt's 4 sure 1 la.. face e facts la... if nt u cum 2 this world 4 wat fcuk..
if u dare cum out la.. or show us ur fucking face..
nb pcb..
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia..
Oh my God~!
You people really have no life.
Settle here n posing people's picture!
By the way their 20 pose ideas look great to me.
I think your Camry is simply too ugly right?
That's why you took pretty girls pictures, insult them to make yourself and Camry to feel better, am i right?
Why? Kept on laughing at people's make up?
Because your bitch is simply too ugly , untill make up also cant cover up her ugly face isn't it?
That's why you hate make up and pretty cute girls right?
Are u a gay?
Doing all this just for ur ugly bitch.
Is this worth it?
Stop doing these type of things.
Brother, save more money...
Take your Camry for a plastic surgery.
She will appriciate it more.
Also she will love you even more. Nice suggestion isn't it?
You people really have no life.
Settle here n posing people's picture!
By the way their 20 pose ideas look great to me.
I think your Camry is simply too ugly right?
That's why you took pretty girls pictures, insult them to make yourself and Camry to feel better, am i right?
Why? Kept on laughing at people's make up?
Because your bitch is simply too ugly , untill make up also cant cover up her ugly face isn't it?
That's why you hate make up and pretty cute girls right?
Are u a gay?
Doing all this just for ur ugly bitch.
Is this worth it?
Stop doing these type of things.
Brother, save more money...
Take your Camry for a plastic surgery.
She will appriciate it more.
Also she will love you even more. Nice suggestion isn't it?
To anonymous:
If you think the 20 pose ideas look great to you, then so be it. :) If you think they are really pretty, then so be it. If you think they are pretty, then I assure you Camry will be prettier.
And I will say beauty is not measured by the layer of make up on your face.
By the way, it's "appreciate" and not... however you spell it. Heh.
If you think the 20 pose ideas look great to you, then so be it. :) If you think they are really pretty, then so be it. If you think they are pretty, then I assure you Camry will be prettier.
And I will say beauty is not measured by the layer of make up on your face.
By the way, it's "appreciate" and not... however you spell it. Heh.
for god's sake.
i agree that people who add on an 'x' onto every single word are dumb. and i also agree that people who pose like the 20 poses are really fucking annoying. but can you please respect people's privacy and not post it on your blog unless you have their permission. there is something known as 'asking' you know.
i agree that people who add on an 'x' onto every single word are dumb. and i also agree that people who pose like the 20 poses are really fucking annoying. but can you please respect people's privacy and not post it on your blog unless you have their permission. there is something known as 'asking' you know.
lol .
hy . pls get ur facts rite .
u talk privacy ? n u talk 'asking for permission' ?
y shud we ask permission to take smth frm e web ?
if they duwan ppl to pose their pictures on e web, dun put it on themselves . lol .
wat's more, they didn't even copyright it .
so wat's e talk abt privacy man .
lmao .
n there sure are lots of barbarians postin unwanted comments in here lik e first poster .
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia..
wth is throw ur mother old shoe ?
n he said 'HUMJI KIA' .
look at his name .
wat does it says ?
if u ask ppl to come out n show their 'fuckin face' (forgive me for typin this unholy word), at least type a decent nick for identification purposes . n so ur mum will know wat caused ur death if u came out n nv returned . xD
hy . pls get ur facts rite .
u talk privacy ? n u talk 'asking for permission' ?
y shud we ask permission to take smth frm e web ?
if they duwan ppl to pose their pictures on e web, dun put it on themselves . lol .
wat's more, they didn't even copyright it .
so wat's e talk abt privacy man .
lmao .
n there sure are lots of barbarians postin unwanted comments in here lik e first poster .
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia..
wth is throw ur mother old shoe ?
n he said 'HUMJI KIA' .
look at his name .
wat does it says ?
if u ask ppl to come out n show their 'fuckin face' (forgive me for typin this unholy word), at least type a decent nick for identification purposes . n so ur mum will know wat caused ur death if u came out n nv returned . xD
typical comment by an aggravated beng. Look at that amount of grammtical errors! oh, and his horrendous spelling! Retarded.. 'nuff said. Bengs and lians deserve to stick their faces in a pile of shit! fools!
i think your posts rock la..
a great "tribute" to the lians and bengs who walk the face of this planet.. utterly superb! keep it up!
lol~ the 20 poses.. absurd..
love ur posts!
loVe thEm s0 MucH nehXxX~~!!
a great "tribute" to the lians and bengs who walk the face of this planet.. utterly superb! keep it up!
lol~ the 20 poses.. absurd..
love ur posts!
loVe thEm s0 MucH nehXxX~~!!
i think that was too offensive.well i don't call myself anonymous and go around spamming,do i?.
some advice for people who have deficiencies in speaking/typing proper english,go back to primary school and ask for extra lessons.
some advice for people who have deficiencies in speaking/typing proper english,go back to primary school and ask for extra lessons.
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia..
lols! that is simply hilarious(:
w0 ha0 aii nii w0rrXz! -mWaCk mWaCkk!
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia..
lols! that is simply hilarious(:
w0 ha0 aii nii w0rrXz! -mWaCk mWaCkk!
oh no, some imbeciles go round telling people to throw shoes away? BuT pEoPLe LiKE dIS AaRrEE ShHhOOoo FUNNnNYY ManN. sorry i'm not very good at typing in sticky caps.
The beng-wannabe Anonymous must be a little knobbly hobbit of a boy who hasn't gotten laid in months. Because he's underaged and he is too pimply for these "I-am-sh0-cutexcutexx~" uglies.
You see, in real life, he hasn't got much of a chance to mention all these angsty angry little words because he's too much of a loser to fit in with 'friends'.
So, our pal has a need to stroke his dying ego like the pragmatic faps of a habitual onanist. And vilify by squirting all over here. Um ew.
You see, in real life, he hasn't got much of a chance to mention all these angsty angry little words because he's too much of a loser to fit in with 'friends'.
So, our pal has a need to stroke his dying ego like the pragmatic faps of a habitual onanist. And vilify by squirting all over here. Um ew.
if kim is pretty, WHAT AM I?! i saw her at town before. she looks horrible la. damn skinny with very thick of layer of makeup. when you're young you have this natural youthful radiance, there's no need for makeup. light makeup will actually do the job.
nb cb ; must make until everyone hates you arhe .
pple in friendster design how they like lahs . must you care ?
not happy then why use friendster yourself . not happy QUIT friendster lahs . hongg gan kkie .
dunt let mie see anymore bad posts . tell y0u . you dare post my sistarr dde picture y0u dare come out talk .
pple in friendster design how they like lahs . must you care ?
not happy then why use friendster yourself . not happy QUIT friendster lahs . hongg gan kkie .
dunt let mie see anymore bad posts . tell y0u . you dare post my sistarr dde picture y0u dare come out talk .
ehhx . everyone . this charbor name GRACCEI ; owner of this blog.
dont see her like type till boy b0y . her friendster link is
fuck ur father lah bitch
dont see her like type till boy b0y . her friendster link is
fuck ur father lah bitch
ALL AHLIANS SHOULD BE ERASED FROM THE FACE OF EARTH. or just rot and die, along with their boyfriends.
ALL AHLIANS SHOULD BE ERASED FROM THE FACE OF EARTH. or just rot and die, along with their boyfriends.
Laugh at others, make fun of others, criticise one another. It's all the same. We're all the same, dirty, ugly creatures. Never ending hypocritical BS.
well done
well done
Well =\ its kinda true .. if u dun wan ppl to take your picture .. pls go and copyright it =\ ... so ppl won't take it ?! ... or better dun put thos freaking pictures that i am looking at jus now ... at such a night which is so dead .. almost freak me out k ? ah bengs who kp smlj .. pls ... fuck off and die ~ throw your mother slippers =\ ...
hey.. cool stuff u have. i like. really speaks for us ppl who cannot stand these pinkish bimbotic peeps..rock on yeAh.
stupid bitches , look at the first comment , that author is obviously fucking dumb, look at her fucking friends face and you know ahe fucked. Why bother to comment? the blog already said that they were annoying .Dont flame the author .It was ur fucking choice btw , and u guys really looked fake and ugly. btw , this blog totally rocks , i totally appreciate whats written here , at least i am not the only one who so hate all this fakeness . sue that fucking ' eff this blog ',dropdeadhandsomepring , shes fucking threatening ...
seriously did i just watched de "20 most famous obituary pics NOT from the newspapers? i think those are new batches....
actually i suggest you one more type.
those who take photo of themself wearing bikini but actually got nothing to show one.
those who take photo of themself wearing bikini but actually got nothing to show one.
LOL. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS! =D and yes, i totally agree about the fact that AH LIANS AND BENGS [who apparently do NOT admit that they are one] suck. =/ blahh. and to anony *points UP a long way*: whats with the vulgarities? this shows how uncouth you are. and whats NB?! whats PCB?! oh im sorry, thats gangster language huh? WHOOPS. please teach us, the innocent ones!! xP
FREAKS. i just saw twenty FREAKS on display! and they are sooo cool! yea. like where on earth do you find such fine and elegant FREAKS on earth? doing WEIRD and they-think-its-CHIOOOO poses, posting up on friendster and blablabla. and those who threaten the wonderful authors of this post/blog seriously have no life. yea, its always the same tactic: not happy then fight LAHHXXX [?!]. lol!! cant you bengs/lians come up with anything better?! we're like so sick of that same old line already. BOO!!!
ps. this blog rocks my socks (:
ps. this blog rocks my socks (:
oh well.. i love this blog! lolx. those what i call "typical ah lians and bengs" are really dumb! Get your English right before coming here and post your unwanted comments. haha. and please, would you guys(bengs n lians) use better vulgarites rather than those common "NB" and "CB". you came into this realistic world from your mum's CB dont you? so stop using it! Seriously dumb! anyhow, ThumbUp to this blog =)
WaOoH ~~ I LuBs ThiS FuCkInG PiCs SiA.. ThEy JuSt LoOk LiKe Me!~~ KaWaIIiIIIiI~~ I Am An AhLiAn WoRx~ So BiMbO ~~ >.< DuN JeAlOuS!! LuB Me LuB ThEsE FuCkInG PiCs!!!
those ahlians should just fuck off and save friendster's bandwith.
this blog rawks and pring is super dropdead handsome! (:
lurbbexx eUu aLL forEbbAxx woRhxx!!
this blog rawks and pring is super dropdead handsome! (:
lurbbexx eUu aLL forEbbAxx woRhxx!!
heh, 'throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia..' hoho, what a low twit, get a life dude, wth is throw your mother old shoe? if my mother shoes are old, she'd throw em away without anyone reminding her, cause she aint as stupid as you penishead. go jump off a cliff for all mankinds sake, stop polluting the atmosphere scumbag.
humji kia..' hoho, what a low twit, get a life dude, wth is throw your mother old shoe? if my mother shoes are old, she'd throw em away without anyone reminding her, cause she aint as stupid as you penishead. go jump off a cliff for all mankinds sake, stop polluting the atmosphere scumbag.
rofl. its hilarious, totally. man, how can 1 POSE and POSE. i wonder how many zillion pics and stances they have done, damn, they aint no super models. someone, pls hide them away! and its so exciting to see their peeps standing up for them.lol.
quote "if u dare CUM out la.. or show us ur F*CKING face..
nb pcb.."
he wants you to cum on him? or he wants to f*ck u face? lol. damn, their command of english is beyond the pits.
lastly, keep up the good work! =D
quote "if u dare CUM out la.. or show us ur F*CKING face..
nb pcb.."
he wants you to cum on him? or he wants to f*ck u face? lol. damn, their command of english is beyond the pits.
lastly, keep up the good work! =D
eh anonymous lin bei live so long oso neber see ah bengz so hum chi. u wan issue challenge challenge properly, mus state time state loc then lin bei can go down n fuck dem good goodz. eh u wan beat themz up, come jio me walk walk with u, i go happily. ^_^ (act cute face)
Seriously, this is funny, though. =D
Seriously, this is funny, though. =D
Too bad she's (Kim) a bitch who looks nothing like her friendster pics in real life. Why do twits EVEN worship her, when in actual fact she looks like any other LIAN in real life?
what the fuck ! a lsoer sia you . post people's pictures . i think they all look great . whats up with u ?! sot up there ah ! cb
stupid low life ah bengs. crap your standard of english really kiss ass. PLEASE do something about your english before commenting with your lousy mixture of hokkien and singlish. Thanks alot.
MOT rocks my balls~=)
MOT rocks my balls~=)
yeah i agree TOTALLY like why the hell do they come up with such... weird poses? but still, how would you feel if someone manages to get your pic and condemn you for what they're doing?
but to each his own i guess. and thanks for the great laugh... haha...
but to each his own i guess. and thanks for the great laugh... haha...
lol, please continue posting the pictures of those retarded fucks, its ecstacy. EVERYONE PLEASE LOOK AT THE FIRST COMMENT THAT IS BEING POSTED AND SEE IF IT MAKES SENSE, the only meaning i can derive from the first comment is "i am a fucking retard that loves to be naked around animals."
this '20 pose ideas' contains more truth than u facades defending ur loser friends............
keep it up with ur gd work guys
keep it up with ur gd work guys
Ah-lians suck shit. Please fuck off this earth. The way they type is bloody annoying, sometimes i don't even know what the fuck they're talking about o_O & some blind dick heads actually think they're pretty. *scoffs* i think they're part of the cause why some people commit suicide.
OMG im like so darn happy to find out that so many people actually detests ah lians and bengs. lol we should start a petition and rid them all from earth!! :D
great job guys, btw keep posting!
great job guys, btw keep posting!
eh, this blog is actually nice lah. its very interesting and funny. i enjoy it v much. but i tink this is a v bad thing. they are innocent ones. bet this blog wil surely hurt them eh.
actually i dont really detests bengs and lians. i only detests those who only wanna STEP BENGS AND LIANS. and those who act cutes when they knw tht they are ugly.(:
detest me then. i still want to step on those bengs and lians or what ever. mentioning the word beng or lian is already disgusting enough. they are seriously such a disgrace to the society. what ever made them go astray from the normal bunch of people(u may say how can i be sure of who's normal or who's not? well i deem them as abnormities n you can deem me as an abnormal too, thats just how i see them as) using COLOURFUL words like n3hx worrx moii euu instead of me, you, him, her. HELLO? its not like we do not have english lessons here.its real stupid seriously. please be more graceful, words like h***** c*. discard them please. what a REFINED society this is im sure (: wonder when this whole beng-lian saga thing will end. then again it might NEVER END. SAVE THE WORLD MY OH MY!!!!
WWAT I MENT BY STEP BENGS AND LIANS WAS ACTING BENGS AND LIANS AND NOT SAYING DEM . can i know youre a boy or girl ? ihv longed to find out this answer long time ago LOL .or maybe its true disgustin to use X Z S behind words eh .
I LOVE YOUR BLOG. You totally speak what's on my mind (I don't have the guts to criticise). I fucking hate lians. The world would be a better place without them. And your dollies post was funny (: I love your sense of humour. Thumbs up.
I fucking can't stand lians as well. It's disgusting isn't it, the way people act and pose these days. Damn, the world would be such a wonderful place without these people around. I love your humour and the way you write. Admire the guts you have (which I don't). The English is marvellous. Thumbs up.
cant belief this is happenin in a civilised country...guess we need this kind of people..like in a food chain..we need this kind of peolpe to humilate...w/o dem...life would be borin
your post gave me an insight and enriched me on how the majority are actually using these overrated shots. still, it is impolite to criticise and post their pix here. face it, who likes to be criticised? dont tell me you'd feel honoured to have your pix insulted by others.
Seriously.. I didnt noticed she was called Kim until you [ whoever that is ] pointed out her name.. Dont worry.. We know whats beautiful.. She's no where near close to beautiful.. Sorry to burst your bubbles.. WAKE UP! Again you try to intimidate people with, " if u dare cum out la " Cum my lan. Something fresh please.. Like im gonna burn your house? Post your photos online?
Spray paint at the door step? Nonesencicalbullshiters
Spray paint at the door step? Nonesencicalbullshiters
forgive me for using Anonymous.. i dont wanna tarnish my name with these f***** pictures around.
First i wanna know how your teachers teach you, man nice grammers, X here X there, might as well XXX your whoever you like. and since you post ur pictures on the web u haf no rights to interfere what we say about you and do with your freaking pictures. I MEAN THAT'S REALLY FREAKY SINCE YOU HAVE A THOUSAND ENLARGED EYES STARING AT YOU? If you're pretty enough you wont need it. And i trust that Camry can be goddess with those "pretty pictures"
First i wanna know how your teachers teach you, man nice grammers, X here X there, might as well XXX your whoever you like. and since you post ur pictures on the web u haf no rights to interfere what we say about you and do with your freaking pictures. I MEAN THAT'S REALLY FREAKY SINCE YOU HAVE A THOUSAND ENLARGED EYES STARING AT YOU? If you're pretty enough you wont need it. And i trust that Camry can be goddess with those "pretty pictures"
LOL seriously this post is SO epic and i swear all the freaking true blue ahlians in friendster bloody do this. camera angle from the top, bottom, left, right and bloody dress up and take photos to PRETEND they have a life. omg screw yourselves luhh, and btw those 20 girls are so ugly.
excuse my language, but
*horribly repulsed*
it was a strange experience reading this entry. like disgust and humour combined for ultimate gross-out impact. number 12 was hilarious!! geez i had only wished they would gather just a few more brain cells to pack their bags and move to china for their mandarin pop ballads and get themselves into a series of unfortunate events.
(E.g. bombed off the face of this earth by the fuckin chemical explosions at jilin, china.)
the chinapiangs are ruining the this planet!!
It must be the Chinese.
anonymouses 1 and 2, kindly leave this site before i hunt down and chop and you guys into little pieces myself.
*horribly repulsed*
it was a strange experience reading this entry. like disgust and humour combined for ultimate gross-out impact. number 12 was hilarious!! geez i had only wished they would gather just a few more brain cells to pack their bags and move to china for their mandarin pop ballads and get themselves into a series of unfortunate events.
(E.g. bombed off the face of this earth by the fuckin chemical explosions at jilin, china.)
the chinapiangs are ruining the this planet!!
It must be the Chinese.
anonymouses 1 and 2, kindly leave this site before i hunt down and chop and you guys into little pieces myself.
If they dun want their pictures to be posted. Just dun display them to the public for ALL to see. Isn't that simple? This blog's author don't put their pictures up because they don't want to get critised. My god. Bengs and Lians. Don't wanna be posted here, dpn't post your pictures to proclaim how typical and common your look is.
omg man this people have no life. look at those fingers beside their eyes... OMG!! rather shove them up ur pussies. Didnt knew this type of THINGS exists... i rather fuck sadako man... Damit man i cant take it... their pose are just so retarded.. try making it thru americas next top model u hairy twats
oh freaking hell. wad's with those poses with e lians looking up like some freaking idiot? and y use words like 'chio' 'worhs' 'norhs' 'lubbs' 'mishh' 'shio'. oh my god sake, have you guys ever learnt english? get a life man!
the top problems the world faces.
4.estimated depletion of natural resources
enough said.
AND: to the author, i gotta hand it to ya to even post those pics. i'd die.
4.estimated depletion of natural resources
enough said.
AND: to the author, i gotta hand it to ya to even post those pics. i'd die.
this post is absolutely true. what for people take pictures of themselves to let us see their scary face?
an utterly wonderful and a brutally honest account of lians. one of the most interesting i've read. for the sake of all the pairs of eyes on this planet, please stop taking bloody act CUTE photos of yourselves. take it naturally. and if you're not photogenic, let the poor camera take a break. don't break the lens with your Cruella look-alike face. thanks
I hate ahlians/ahbengs!!! The society does not need these useless scumbags, and they should be discarded REAL soon.
To the author of this blog, TWO THUMBS UP. Keep up the good work man, really keep me entertained.
To the author of this blog, TWO THUMBS UP. Keep up the good work man, really keep me entertained.
LOL THIS IS SO FUNNY.. and the girl with the happy valley? SHE'S A FREAKING AH LIAN... SAW HER REAL LIFE BEFORE... LMAO
hey i've seen worse...
u guys shld go see those so called ''cosplayers''...LOL~these are real twits sia...
u guys shld go see those so called ''cosplayers''...LOL~these are real twits sia...
oh crap....my eyes are bleeding now...so im randomly figurrinia out how toa typeee herre...anyway///...y the fuck is he bhb....u friggin retarded or sth...bhb cos he paste ur shits photo? pls la....learn english...proper english...not friggin lianish or wadeva...jeez...fuck.....and btw...u haven see camry yet how u noe she ugly...retarded even more....and he no cb...how to pcb...WTF NIA!!!
eh cool la,
not as though my friends weren't posted up there.
i find these stuffs hilarious and entertaining.
bloggers like'em can't possibly please everybody right.
and that's their blog, their ideas and their erm well, gayness?
those people who 'buaytahan', then stop being so hypocritical by visiting their museum oh.
not as though my friends weren't posted up there.
i find these stuffs hilarious and entertaining.
bloggers like'em can't possibly please everybody right.
and that's their blog, their ideas and their erm well, gayness?
those people who 'buaytahan', then stop being so hypocritical by visiting their museum oh.
LOL to the first comment. my God! humji for not showing his face!? HELLO!? why not tell us your name and every single shit about you.i personally think that you should never use your friend Kim and Chio together unless u're telling me how not 'CHIO' kim is. heed my advice, go back to nursery. ANONYMOUS
rofl. the first post by anonymous. who is it? i cant be bothered to think. muz be some fucking jibai again. by the way. what the author said is true. THEY ARE STUPID POSES. u dun wana accept that as a fact. too bad buddy. why would the author envy anyone. it's jus plain fun watching u guys panic when u see urselves on the net. wtf is throw ur mother old shoe. and why is the author humji and ure not? lol jibai plz give us ur details so dat we can go to u and impale ur ass with big knives. and wait for u to bleed to death. if i was allowed to do that i'll hunt every last one of u fking twits down with a big cleaver. impaling everyone of ur mother fucking faces
heyy... y u so bhb huh?
knn.. post 1 of moii pal foto nt enuff ahrx.. still post another 1.. cb.. wtf u wan?? cb... u sayy u're handsome?? oh pls.. dun make me vomit n end up in hospital.. u envyy kim izzit?? post her foto 4 wat fuck.. kim issh more chio den ur camry bitch izzit... tt's 4 sure 1 la.. face e facts la... if nt u cum 2 this world 4 wat fcuk..
if u dare cum out la.. or show us ur fucking face..
nb pcb..
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia.
Ok. that was a post of childishness..
I think your site can be a success if theres not alot of vulgar language.
Theres alot of room for improvement. Keep it up.
knn.. post 1 of moii pal foto nt enuff ahrx.. still post another 1.. cb.. wtf u wan?? cb... u sayy u're handsome?? oh pls.. dun make me vomit n end up in hospital.. u envyy kim izzit?? post her foto 4 wat fuck.. kim issh more chio den ur camry bitch izzit... tt's 4 sure 1 la.. face e facts la... if nt u cum 2 this world 4 wat fcuk..
if u dare cum out la.. or show us ur fucking face..
nb pcb..
throw ur mother old shoe la..
humji kia.
Ok. that was a post of childishness..
I think your site can be a success if theres not alot of vulgar language.
Theres alot of room for improvement. Keep it up.
lj lahs..u ppls hab no lifye thu live 4 ars?knn.. shay ppl until lik wad fuck.put thier pics 4 wad fuck?..how ppl pose themselves in front of e cam is their probs la..y shld u fucking giveing come lame comments bout it?tell mie la. i bet u don hab a answer thu dis queastion.trust mie. coz u r so damm fucking lame wad a corrupted blog u all hab. wad a waste. tell u wad u go fucking lick ur pussy n ur cock.ask ur moms n dads along. e reason y i put momS n dadS is coz mayb u hab more than 1 moms or dads. coz thay go out fuck den hab u freaks born into dis world do shyt n do lame tinks. u all r sum kind of freaks tat hab nth thu do X'cept thu suan ah lians n ah bengs. they hab their wae of living u hab ur own y cross in thu n make troble?c la c la lame..
i tink so many ppls ask u all freaks thu come out lers.. but i tink i noe u all freaks won come out coz u all no cock n pussy[cock torn growing maggots, pussy tear coz inserting a supper big sex toy]
as i shay once i noe u whu u all r u all wil die..lim bei 18siao .. u wan do tell mie knn.shay we pai kia u ?hiaz small freaks la dogs!im calling u DOGS lick my boots man dogs!..
i tink so many ppls ask u all freaks thu come out lers.. but i tink i noe u all freaks won come out coz u all no cock n pussy[cock torn growing maggots, pussy tear coz inserting a supper big sex toy]
as i shay once i noe u whu u all r u all wil die..lim bei 18siao .. u wan do tell mie knn.shay we pai kia u ?hiaz small freaks la dogs!im calling u DOGS lick my boots man dogs!..
18siao, you might be, i mean, you ARE the actual coward =). it's a universal fact that LOSERS join GANGS cuz they piss in their pants 24/7 without one.
by the way, why do you consistently mention the private parts of the human being throughout your post? do you have a fetish involving such..? guess so.
by the way, why do you consistently mention the private parts of the human being throughout your post? do you have a fetish involving such..? guess so.
the most common few words that i see in all these comments are "knnccb", "coward", "fuck" fuck, and more fuck. so stupid can. and posted so long ago liao still talking about it (yeah me too) but! this post makes sense.
haha. nice one.
haha. nice one.
i think its not very nice to do that lor, like you post pictures of others. Maybe its just tyr personal comments lah and you should write something like "please do not be offended" i agree some of the pictures are ugly and act cute and disgusting but some of those gals are really pretty and you should stop being jealous or anything. or maybe these gals look pretty becos its taken from top view? and their eyes are like purposely opened so big? But i feel the otehr ppl who commented shouldnt like call these people AH LIANS just becos of their pictures when they have never even spoken to them in real life
mm i think you shouldnt comment on those photos or whatsoever. they can take pictures from any angle they like, whether they act cute or what the shit, it doesnt concern you three. & i seriously think some of them are pretty tho they act "big eyes". anyway its THEM, not YOU so why bother so much? why not you three come show us yr smart, beautiful, non ahlian face? ill look foward t that. REALLY.
go fuck those bengs & lians if you CAN. youre rly shameless. fucking everywhere w bengs & lians. sighs.
Great entry but it's really mean going around criticising how people should take photo and what not.
Then I wonder, what kind of self photography is not considered twitish? Why not YOU take one picture of yourself and define for us what is twitish is and what not.
Guts? *Spits*
Then I wonder, what kind of self photography is not considered twitish? Why not YOU take one picture of yourself and define for us what is twitish is and what not.
Guts? *Spits*
oh my gosh 18siao. how many grammar or spelling mistakes have you made? dozens. stop acting big by sprouting vulgarities cause you are retarded alright. such losers who post here to let people know how BIG they are. frankly, you are small, like a kid. friggin kids in mot. tsk. you ah bengs and ah lians out there are just being stupid, retarded and lame.
well, i just got introduced to this very interesting blog and sure enough, i have something to say like many of you out there.
i will stick to neither side. But personally feel there's still no right or wrong way of posing in front of a camera up till now. Firstly, yes maybe you all claimed that it's silly, gross or disgusting to pose too unnaturally, but still, you all can’t say that your own way of taking pictures is right. As in there's no professional around to say your photos are better than theirs, are there? So since, there's such a big group of people who take pictures like how this blog condemned, one fact can be ascertained for sure, that is there is a huge group of people who think there's nothing wrong with that.
Anyway, i would put it in another way to further let you understand my perspective. Those people who took those pictures which you called "bimbotic" may also want to meet friends in friendster of their own kind, so they posted those photos. Similarly, they wouldn't want to make friends with people who take boring, straight-standing photos or even just candid shots. If you really detest the photos so much, then don’t click into their profile! Click into those you think it’s your type. They never force you to click and look into their photos, do they? Don’t click in and then take so much trouble to bring conflicts alright?
Friendster is simple a place for people to meet people with same interests same character.
Thus, you should go and find people of your type and reject people not your type. On the other hand, they bengs will add the lians, and why should you even bother?
Everyone has his or her own preference. Since i believe there are also a huge group of people who do not think the normal way of taking photos is better, and they did nothing to criticise, why is there a need to stir up conflicts? Yes, if you want to bring upon joy on others and make people laugh, please do not do it at the expense of others. If you do study Civics and Moral education, your teachers should have taught you before. With such good English of yours, if you do not even know simple principles you should have, what's the use?
By the way, you people also do not have the rights to criticise people for their weakness in using English. Yes, their English is not as powerful as yours but by using English to bombard them and you think you are very powerful and entertaining? So I see you people get your sense of satisfaction this way.
For goodness sake, friendster is a place for everyone. Please do not ask people to fuck off.Thanks.They have self-confidence in themselves and even if their mothers really do not have the fortune of having a handsome-looking son or pretty-looking daughter, must you rub into it? must you condemn people so much?
As you can see, I am not asking for a quarrel, I am trying to state my point. =)
i will stick to neither side. But personally feel there's still no right or wrong way of posing in front of a camera up till now. Firstly, yes maybe you all claimed that it's silly, gross or disgusting to pose too unnaturally, but still, you all can’t say that your own way of taking pictures is right. As in there's no professional around to say your photos are better than theirs, are there? So since, there's such a big group of people who take pictures like how this blog condemned, one fact can be ascertained for sure, that is there is a huge group of people who think there's nothing wrong with that.
Anyway, i would put it in another way to further let you understand my perspective. Those people who took those pictures which you called "bimbotic" may also want to meet friends in friendster of their own kind, so they posted those photos. Similarly, they wouldn't want to make friends with people who take boring, straight-standing photos or even just candid shots. If you really detest the photos so much, then don’t click into their profile! Click into those you think it’s your type. They never force you to click and look into their photos, do they? Don’t click in and then take so much trouble to bring conflicts alright?
Friendster is simple a place for people to meet people with same interests same character.
Thus, you should go and find people of your type and reject people not your type. On the other hand, they bengs will add the lians, and why should you even bother?
Everyone has his or her own preference. Since i believe there are also a huge group of people who do not think the normal way of taking photos is better, and they did nothing to criticise, why is there a need to stir up conflicts? Yes, if you want to bring upon joy on others and make people laugh, please do not do it at the expense of others. If you do study Civics and Moral education, your teachers should have taught you before. With such good English of yours, if you do not even know simple principles you should have, what's the use?
By the way, you people also do not have the rights to criticise people for their weakness in using English. Yes, their English is not as powerful as yours but by using English to bombard them and you think you are very powerful and entertaining? So I see you people get your sense of satisfaction this way.
For goodness sake, friendster is a place for everyone. Please do not ask people to fuck off.Thanks.They have self-confidence in themselves and even if their mothers really do not have the fortune of having a handsome-looking son or pretty-looking daughter, must you rub into it? must you condemn people so much?
As you can see, I am not asking for a quarrel, I am trying to state my point. =)
one word: SARCASM. to certain people who left comments, you might want to check that up.
and one big problem i've with such people is why do you have to spell 'come' as 'cum'. look, it sounds horribly... wrong.
and one big problem i've with such people is why do you have to spell 'come' as 'cum'. look, it sounds horribly... wrong.
knnccb . farkk u larhhs . put mi jie da pic inside.. tot u wat ar.. machiam ur chio or handsome liddat .knn . insult ppl . farkk u upside down larhhs .
To ANNOYmous, the one who commented before me.
English lessons are here, for free.
Meaning, no charge. At all.
1. Knnccb.
Correction : beyond correction.
2. fark.
Correction : Fuck.
Meaning : 1.[Taboo]To have sex with someone. 2.To express anger, hatred.
3. larhhs.
Correction : beyond correction.
4. mi.
Correction : Me.
Meaning : Used by the person speaking/writing to refer to himself/herself.
5. da.
Correction : The.
Meaning : Used to show that you are talking about a particular thng or person that has already been mentioned.
6. pic.
Correction : Picture/pictures.
Meaning : A photograph/drawing/painting.
7. tot.
Correction : Thought.
Meaning : The past tense and past participle or Think.
8. wat.
Correction : What.
Meaning : Used to ask for information or for someone's opinion.
9. ar.
Correction : Beyond correction.
10. machiam
Correction : Macam.
Meaning : [A malay word] Like, something like.
Example : Macam apa?
11. ur.
Correction : you all.
12. chio.
Correction : pretty.
Meaning : Pleasant, whether it's inner beauty, or outer beauty.
13. Liddat
Correction : like that.
Meaning : Macam tu. X)
English lessons are here, for free.
Meaning, no charge. At all.
1. Knnccb.
Correction : beyond correction.
2. fark.
Correction : Fuck.
Meaning : 1.[Taboo]To have sex with someone. 2.To express anger, hatred.
3. larhhs.
Correction : beyond correction.
4. mi.
Correction : Me.
Meaning : Used by the person speaking/writing to refer to himself/herself.
5. da.
Correction : The.
Meaning : Used to show that you are talking about a particular thng or person that has already been mentioned.
6. pic.
Correction : Picture/pictures.
Meaning : A photograph/drawing/painting.
7. tot.
Correction : Thought.
Meaning : The past tense and past participle or Think.
8. wat.
Correction : What.
Meaning : Used to ask for information or for someone's opinion.
9. ar.
Correction : Beyond correction.
10. machiam
Correction : Macam.
Meaning : [A malay word] Like, something like.
Example : Macam apa?
11. ur.
Correction : you all.
12. chio.
Correction : pretty.
Meaning : Pleasant, whether it's inner beauty, or outer beauty.
13. Liddat
Correction : like that.
Meaning : Macam tu. X)
throw ur mother's old shoe??? what the hell? why must we throw our mom's old shoe's away?? for all u know they may be expensive. and whta is humji kia?? funny. the first comment is totally not eligible. maybe i have some problems with my english.
throw ur mother's old shoe???
seem this line no one get it..is a cantonese vuglar. cursing type..erm..not very sure but is hard core type.
the photos are harmless...but censor the eyes or some features partially will protect them at lest.
not entertaining if hurt some people.
seem this line no one get it..is a cantonese vuglar. cursing type..erm..not very sure but is hard core type.
the photos are harmless...but censor the eyes or some features partially will protect them at lest.
not entertaining if hurt some people.
somewhat i cant help but agree it is indeed very retarded to put your face in 13 different poses or possibly more with the 45 photos options! We want to see your face once or with friends! not 13- 45 times of your face in different poses!!! a face is A FACE
woots look at the date baby.. f the gangsters man.. anyway i noe a girl in 1 of the 20 pics.. her name is monica LOL.. free advertisement..
heex lolx...ur mother shoe wat size...if small enuff then i can catch the shoe...y u like to throw pple's mother old shoe..life no meaning correct??...go n jump down la...
They are like a different alienated breed dominating our earth. sad isn't it. But lets face the fact. Theres nothing we can do about it.
lj lahs..u ppls hab no lifye thu live 4 ars?knn.. shay ppl until lik wad fuck.
(ok wait.. shay is.. WHAT?. god why do you people have to add in extra letters.. nevermind cutting em down. BUT WHY ADD? that makes no sense!)
put thier pics 4 wad fuck?..how ppl pose themselves in front of e cam is their probs la..y shld u fucking giveing(spelling error here again)
come(and again)
lame comments bout it?tell mie la. i bet u don hab a answer thu dis queastion. (and again)
trust mie. coz u r so damm fucking lame wad a corrupted blog u all hab. wad a waste. tell u wad u go fucking lick ur pussy n ur cock.ask ur moms n dads along. e reason y i put momS n dadS is coz mayb u hab more than 1 moms or dads. coz thay go out fuck den hab u freaks born into dis world do shyt n do lame tinks.(another spelling error)
u all r sum kind of freaks tat hab nth thu do X'cept thu(ITS 'TO' SPELL IT WITH ME.. TEEE-OH)
suan ah lians n ah bengs. they hab their wae of living u hab ur own y cross in thu n make troble?c la c la lame.. (c la c la lame? WHAT? O_O?)
i tink so many ppls ask u all freaks thu come out lers.. but i tink i noe u all freaks won come out coz u all no cock n pussy[cock torn growing maggots, pussy tear coz inserting a supper(supper or super?)
big sex toy] as i shay once i noe u whu u all r u all wil die..lim bei 18siao .. u wan do tell mie knn.shay we pai kia u ?hiaz small freaks la dogs!im calling u DOGS lick my boots man dogs!.. (omg you still wear boots? thats not in fashion now!)
and if you say that we the people are 'scared' or.. in your words 'humji' then WHY ON EARTH DO YOU PUT ANONYMOUS, why not your name?
oh yes. and i bet camry is much much prettier than kim. 100%.
(ok wait.. shay is.. WHAT?. god why do you people have to add in extra letters.. nevermind cutting em down. BUT WHY ADD? that makes no sense!)
put thier pics 4 wad fuck?..how ppl pose themselves in front of e cam is their probs la..y shld u fucking giveing(spelling error here again)
come(and again)
lame comments bout it?tell mie la. i bet u don hab a answer thu dis queastion. (and again)
trust mie. coz u r so damm fucking lame wad a corrupted blog u all hab. wad a waste. tell u wad u go fucking lick ur pussy n ur cock.ask ur moms n dads along. e reason y i put momS n dadS is coz mayb u hab more than 1 moms or dads. coz thay go out fuck den hab u freaks born into dis world do shyt n do lame tinks.(another spelling error)
u all r sum kind of freaks tat hab nth thu do X'cept thu(ITS 'TO' SPELL IT WITH ME.. TEEE-OH)
suan ah lians n ah bengs. they hab their wae of living u hab ur own y cross in thu n make troble?c la c la lame.. (c la c la lame? WHAT? O_O?)
i tink so many ppls ask u all freaks thu come out lers.. but i tink i noe u all freaks won come out coz u all no cock n pussy[cock torn growing maggots, pussy tear coz inserting a supper(supper or super?)
big sex toy] as i shay once i noe u whu u all r u all wil die..lim bei 18siao .. u wan do tell mie knn.shay we pai kia u ?hiaz small freaks la dogs!im calling u DOGS lick my boots man dogs!.. (omg you still wear boots? thats not in fashion now!)
and if you say that we the people are 'scared' or.. in your words 'humji' then WHY ON EARTH DO YOU PUT ANONYMOUS, why not your name?
oh yes. and i bet camry is much much prettier than kim. 100%.
Throw your mother's old shoe means fuck your mother's cunt in cantonese lol.... i think the pics are really one of a kind and those who thinks the girls are pretty deserves to kiss my ass and go to hell.... learn quite a few new volcabulary from this blog by the way
4. Look at that! 13 pair of purposely enlarged eyes staring at you. How freaky. :)
Friendster only allows you to add 12 photos. Which is not enough! Why not combine them all into one photo so you can show the world all your stupid pictures! Show us your freaky eyes.
correction , look who's the twit here . there are 15 pairs of eyes , not " 13 pair " . and its pairs and not " PAIR of purposely enlarged .... " . can you get your tenses right .
Friendster only allows you to add 12 photos. Which is not enough! Why not combine them all into one photo so you can show the world all your stupid pictures! Show us your freaky eyes.
correction , look who's the twit here . there are 15 pairs of eyes , not " 13 pair " . and its pairs and not " PAIR of purposely enlarged .... " . can you get your tenses right .
you should say.. those girls who purposely open their eyes so big looks like they are kneeling in front of their bf dicks, looking up as if they're very desperate to suck their cum.
i have nothin to say as the photos have stunned me beyond redemption.
BUT to the last anon, its 13 u fool.
15 minus 2 not so big PAIRS of eyes.
mot all the way~
BUT to the last anon, its 13 u fool.
15 minus 2 not so big PAIRS of eyes.
mot all the way~
u very bu yao lian leh.... are u sicko or something? put urself in those victims shoes lar.... ( shoes again ) so bhb.... save ppl pics from dunno where... u dare take a pic of urself... see how many ppl laugh at lor... lame jokes ok... but too much lar mr XXX... dun wan face... blehz..
I don't see what the friends of these twits who appear on MOT are so friggin pissed about. If their friends post pictures of themselves on the internet looking stupid, it's already like they're begging for attention. So why not just give them what they want, that is, more attention? It's only logic!
yo. hahas. actualli i found ya post quite funni. i think someone's gonna kill me if he saw me writing this. =x aniways.
then... euu just had 2 go all cutiie lang liddat at da end. not perfect cute lang cos im not a pro at it. lols.
aniway, if you're just doing this fer da sake of pleasing ur laopo. good observation but if u have not noticed, u and ur laopo seem to be very very act cute too.
You are da 1st guy i m gonna label an ACV. <--- a guy with an act cute version. =) be proud of it.
btw. politeness is da best sarcasm if u havent heard.
take care. faking is so easy when i'm learning from the best! and HEY! you're younger than me! thankew teacher! =)
then... euu just had 2 go all cutiie lang liddat at da end. not perfect cute lang cos im not a pro at it. lols.
aniway, if you're just doing this fer da sake of pleasing ur laopo. good observation but if u have not noticed, u and ur laopo seem to be very very act cute too.
You are da 1st guy i m gonna label an ACV. <--- a guy with an act cute version. =) be proud of it.
btw. politeness is da best sarcasm if u havent heard.
take care. faking is so easy when i'm learning from the best! and HEY! you're younger than me! thankew teacher! =)
Oh and... btw to all da pple who are totally upset bout this? cool it peeps. if ur gonna go all angry with da blogger pls get ur language right. cos wadeva u guys write just plainly dont seem to carry any weight whatsoever when u're using da cute language. -shrugs-
how could u do such evil things to such innocent looking girls?HOW CAN U?DO U KNW THAT ANONYMOUS is getting veri agitated by ur images of his/her friend?DO U HAV A HEART?I THINK U DO!LOL.i got enough of all those bengs n lians or should i call them bitches n bastardsXD
I can accept if you are as handsome as my hubby. If you're not, than please shoo off. You're not any better, Get this ? If you think that your english are much more better than those twit, yes, of course. But if you're insulting other people looks, I think you're not that good yet. Go home and look into the mirror and see your freaking face pls. I dont want to see someone like you will eventually beat up by somebody. If you dare, just show your face. We'll meet. And stop being so chicken. =) Come and look for me if you want. You're most welcome. xD
"btw. politeness is da best sarcasm if u havent heard."
Sorry, we can't hear the voices inside your head.
Sorry, we can't hear the voices inside your head.
i totally support you! oMg Im A lianZ wHo ThInKs moiis engLisH is good and hIp. FUCK those neighbourhood ahlianZ manzzz. zzz.
oohhs . MOT realli sux larshhx . euu allx p0stt other pe0plee duhhs phh0tos . euu allx will biiee bewriie shuanggx riite ? whhy n0rttx priings g0 tiink of aa pp0se ddat ishhx n0rttx "twiit" ? ii tiink ddat euur camryy ishhx ugliie riighht ? sh0 euur camryy hhatee dishhx pe0plee ff0r beiingg m0ree chi0 denn herr riite ? eer xiin .
" beauty is not measured by the layer of make up on your face ." uhhs ? orhhs . denn ishhx measuredd byy wwat ? usee euur bl0ggiie tuhhx iinsultt pe0plee . euu bewriie shuanggx issit ? wwat diid deyy d0 tuhhx euu allx ? kiill euur m0thher euur fathher issiit ?
ii n0ww sl0wliie explaiin tuhhx euu geekks nerdds tuhhx liistenn . sh0 g0odd h0rhhx ? =) st0pp p0stiing larshhx . 0r elsee, p0stt euur piicturee llet us seee l0rshhx .
" beauty is not measured by the layer of make up on your face ." uhhs ? orhhs . denn ishhx measuredd byy wwat ? usee euur bl0ggiie tuhhx iinsultt pe0plee . euu bewriie shuanggx issit ? wwat diid deyy d0 tuhhx euu allx ? kiill euur m0thher euur fathher issiit ?
ii n0ww sl0wliie explaiin tuhhx euu geekks nerdds tuhhx liistenn . sh0 g0odd h0rhhx ? =) st0pp p0stiing larshhx . 0r elsee, p0stt euur piicturee llet us seee l0rshhx .
hey, no offence, but u seem very prejudiced against those ppl. does the way they pose really affect you that much? its they're problem anyway. those gals dun hav supermodel good looks, but they look quite normal. if u don't like those pics, then don't bother looking for them. sry but i really cant understand y u bother wasting time on something you don't like to and don't have to do. o, and in ur post, you sound nearly as irrational as some of those commenting. it could be considered as slander, careful.
Yes those ah bengs i cant stand THEM...
They shldnt on the face of this earth...have already lost a gal i ;ove to a fkin ah beng who had xxx wif underage gals!
U wanna meet?
lets do this...
play by the wheels..
My GTR never fails ME
Yes those ah bengs i cant stand THEM...
They shldnt on the face of this earth...have already lost a gal i ;ove to a fkin ah beng who had xxx wif underage gals!
U wanna meet?
lets do this...
play by the wheels..
My GTR never fails ME
lol look at how "irawks" type. i cant hardly read what she is typing lol. i support this blog totally!! please dun act cute and disgrace urself everywhere. i love this blog!! :)
YOU GUYS ROCK. all these posers WHO TYPE LIKE THIS " O FUCK U AH CB HUM JI KIA BUAI SONG AH".. only know how to scold pple behind the com.. might even be nerds in reality..
pple who take pictures like that usually have NO SELF CONFIDENCE, SCARED TO SHOW THEIR REAL FACE.
pple who take pictures like that usually have NO SELF CONFIDENCE, SCARED TO SHOW THEIR REAL FACE.
Actually, these not-so-society-friendly people should remain the way they are. if they are gone, who'll take their place ?
Then, the lowest level of class would then be raised, and the more-society-friendly people would thus inevitably be labeled as 'Ah Bengs and Ah Lians' And i'm sure none of you want that right ?
besides, the more the merrier ! more flings ! more pussies !
Then, the lowest level of class would then be raised, and the more-society-friendly people would thus inevitably be labeled as 'Ah Bengs and Ah Lians' And i'm sure none of you want that right ?
besides, the more the merrier ! more flings ! more pussies !
tuhhs "someone" , euuiiees dunchhs surp0rtt bliindliiee l0rshhx . euuiiees wann tuhhs biiee betta dden xiiaxuee ?
l0lls . shhe bettarhh ddenn euuiiees l0rshhx buaiis th0usandd tiimmes l0rshhx .
"Anonymous" arhhs , hhe sayy wachhtt , "pple who take pictures like that usually have NO SELF CONFIDENCE, SCARED TO SHOW THEIR REAL FACE." l0lls ! fwunniiee lehhs (:
iiff euuiiees ugliiee , euuiiees p0see hhere p0see dderee 0rshh0ee n0rr usee dershhx . w0rsee ishhx ppriingg camryy dunchhs daree tuhhs sh0ww ddeiir l0okks l0rshhx . maybiiee ddeyy l0okk liikee SHIIT l0rshhx euuiiees 0rshh0ee dunchhs nn0ee .
dishhx bl0ggiiee ishhx shh0 wachhtt , shuddx biiee takenn 0rff siingap0ree bl0ggiiee siitee l0rshhx . shh0 eer xiins , hh0ww cann biiee siingap0ree duhhs bl0ggiie numbberr FIIVE ?
l0lls . shhe bettarhh ddenn euuiiees l0rshhx buaiis th0usandd tiimmes l0rshhx .
"Anonymous" arhhs , hhe sayy wachhtt , "pple who take pictures like that usually have NO SELF CONFIDENCE, SCARED TO SHOW THEIR REAL FACE." l0lls ! fwunniiee lehhs (:
iiff euuiiees ugliiee , euuiiees p0see hhere p0see dderee 0rshh0ee n0rr usee dershhx . w0rsee ishhx ppriingg camryy dunchhs daree tuhhs sh0ww ddeiir l0okks l0rshhx . maybiiee ddeyy l0okk liikee SHIIT l0rshhx euuiiees 0rshh0ee dunchhs nn0ee .
dishhx bl0ggiiee ishhx shh0 wachhtt , shuddx biiee takenn 0rff siingap0ree bl0ggiiee siitee l0rshhx . shh0 eer xiins , hh0ww cann biiee siingap0ree duhhs bl0ggiie numbberr FIIVE ?
ii challengee ddat ppriinggs hheree , euuiiees p0stt euurx f0t0hhs hheree , iif euuiiees wiiff euurx camrryy iishhx chii0 0rr shuaiix ddenn ii wiill biiee gg0nee f0rebberx . c0rshhx dishhx ishhx aa wastee 0rff m0ii precii0us tiimee nehhs .
hh0webberx iiff euuiiees n0rttx ggudd l0okkiin , ddenn euuiiees cl0see dd0wnn dishhx bl0ggiiee . st0pp iinsulttiin pe0plee .
dishhx ishhx m0ii challengee tuhhs mot . hh0pee ddeyy n0rttx c0wardd dunchhs ddaree tuhhs accepptt iit (:
hh0webberx iiff euuiiees n0rttx ggudd l0okkiin , ddenn euuiiees cl0see dd0wnn dishhx bl0ggiiee . st0pp iinsulttiin pe0plee .
dishhx ishhx m0ii challengee tuhhs mot . hh0pee ddeyy n0rttx c0wardd dunchhs ddaree tuhhs accepptt iit (:
those pple.. really nothing to do wor..
alwaeex takke selfx ph0t0o derrx.
lolls. anyway nice post!
and dont be bothered about twits man..
so what if they come here scold what ever vulgarities they can think of?
they r still twits =D
and i believe camry is much much much x100000 prettier than those girls.
i think those girls are even uglier than my shit. lolx.
btw which one is kim?
is it the one with eye liner that enlarges the eyes and scared the fuck out of me?
if yes i think she should just kill herself or just disappear from this world
those pple.. really nothing to do wor..
alwaeex takke selfx ph0t0o derrx.
lolls. anyway nice post!
and dont be bothered about twits man..
so what if they come here scold what ever vulgarities they can think of?
they r still twits =D
and i believe camry is much much much x100000 prettier than those girls.
i think those girls are even uglier than my shit. lolx.
btw which one is kim?
is it the one with eye liner that enlarges the eyes and scared the fuck out of me?
if yes i think she should just kill herself or just disappear from this world
This proves that bengs and lians can't speak proper english.. not even SIMPLE english.. and to me, they're not bengs or lians.. they dun exist to me.. what are they to me? Useless Creatures in Earth.
ii cann typpe iin pr0perr englishh dershhx .
euuiiees sayy "those pple.. really nothing to do wor..
alwaeex takke selfx ph0t0o derrx."
fiirstlyy , ishhx n0rttx euurx busiiness l0rshhx iif pe0plee wann tuhhx takee f0t0hhs 0rff ddemselfs . takee f0t0hhs ishhx = kiill euurs famiiliee issiit ? dunchhx biiee shh0 bb0 liia0 larshhx . euuiiees tiink c0rshhx dishhx bl0ggiiee ishhx p0pularr denn euuiiees cann aniih0ww aggree duhhs mehhs ?
"and i believe camry is much much much x100000 prettier than those girls. i think those girls are even uglier than my shit." euuiiees 0rshh0ee nebberx saww herr bef0rr l0rshhx . euurx shiit ishhx liikee , smellii andd 0nne lumpp ddere l0rshhx , h0ww cann anii0nee biiee ugliierr denn euurx shiit ? nebberx usee euurx c0mm0nn sensee duhhs w0rshhx . yarr maybbiiee g0rttx 0nee pers0nn ugliierr denn euurx shiit . CAMRYY l0rshhx ! (:
shhe dunchhx ebbenx daree tuhhx putt hher 0wnn f0t0hhs hheree , whyy , camrryy scaree shhe t0o ugliiee scaree duhhs shiit out 0rff euuiiees issiit ?
ii n0ww tell euu an0therr phrasee l0rshhx . euuiiees aree "deriving pleasure from others' pain" whiich makees euuiiees n0rr bettarhhx denn bulliies 0rr satann .
euuiiees sayy "those pple.. really nothing to do wor..
alwaeex takke selfx ph0t0o derrx."
fiirstlyy , ishhx n0rttx euurx busiiness l0rshhx iif pe0plee wann tuhhx takee f0t0hhs 0rff ddemselfs . takee f0t0hhs ishhx = kiill euurs famiiliee issiit ? dunchhx biiee shh0 bb0 liia0 larshhx . euuiiees tiink c0rshhx dishhx bl0ggiiee ishhx p0pularr denn euuiiees cann aniih0ww aggree duhhs mehhs ?
"and i believe camry is much much much x100000 prettier than those girls. i think those girls are even uglier than my shit." euuiiees 0rshh0ee nebberx saww herr bef0rr l0rshhx . euurx shiit ishhx liikee , smellii andd 0nne lumpp ddere l0rshhx , h0ww cann anii0nee biiee ugliierr denn euurx shiit ? nebberx usee euurx c0mm0nn sensee duhhs w0rshhx . yarr maybbiiee g0rttx 0nee pers0nn ugliierr denn euurx shiit . CAMRYY l0rshhx ! (:
shhe dunchhx ebbenx daree tuhhx putt hher 0wnn f0t0hhs hheree , whyy , camrryy scaree shhe t0o ugliiee scaree duhhs shiit out 0rff euuiiees issiit ?
ii n0ww tell euu an0therr phrasee l0rshhx . euuiiees aree "deriving pleasure from others' pain" whiich makees euuiiees n0rr bettarhhx denn bulliies 0rr satann .
"This proves that bengs and lians can't speak proper english.. not even SIMPLE english.. and to me, they're not bengs or lians.. they dun exist to me.. what are they to me? Useless Creatures in Earth. "
wwe purp0selyy spekk lykk ddat dershhx . wwe lykk iit lehhs ? euuiiees buayy s0ngg wheree . iiff deyy dunchhx ebbenx EXIIST tuhhs EUU , denn whyy euu b0thherr tuhhs typee c0mment nershhx ? euu c0ntinuee tuhhs pretendd wwe dunchhx exiistt l0rshhx !
iiff wwe aree useless , euuiiees aree h0peless . (:
wwe purp0selyy spekk lykk ddat dershhx . wwe lykk iit lehhs ? euuiiees buayy s0ngg wheree . iiff deyy dunchhx ebbenx EXIIST tuhhs EUU , denn whyy euu b0thherr tuhhs typee c0mment nershhx ? euu c0ntinuee tuhhs pretendd wwe dunchhx exiistt l0rshhx !
iiff wwe aree useless , euuiiees aree h0peless . (:
hell yea!!! love this blog man...teach those bunch of losers!! think their so cool and all...i seldom read blogs...but yours ROCKS!
those bunch of lians and bengs are morally degrading...freakin hell... bunch of insignificant creatures..yes CREATURES! they're a bloody insult to their very own existence...
Ah Lians, Bengs, Punks, Nerds, Whatever.. we're all the same.. jus that we adopt diff identities because of certain circumstances..
Bengs n Lians can be compared to the equivalent of a punk. Misunderstood, treated like fuck most of their lives n thus they feel the need to voice out through the way they dress and look.. can't blame them... Its called an identity crises, if they stop doing all these "lian" stuff it would be an insecurity to them.. jus let em be.. everyone grows out of this stage sooner or later..
Also, many of them come from not so well to do families so we gotta understand the emotional plight they are in.. many of us are spoilt and this prolly cant relate to em..
So guys mayb we shud practice abit more tolerance towards these "twits".. we seem them as degenerates the same way they see us as complete assholes..
Btw irawks, beauty can come in the form of attitude and personality wat.... why care what others think about you? fuck it jus b urself n feel good... right?
Bengs n Lians can be compared to the equivalent of a punk. Misunderstood, treated like fuck most of their lives n thus they feel the need to voice out through the way they dress and look.. can't blame them... Its called an identity crises, if they stop doing all these "lian" stuff it would be an insecurity to them.. jus let em be.. everyone grows out of this stage sooner or later..
Also, many of them come from not so well to do families so we gotta understand the emotional plight they are in.. many of us are spoilt and this prolly cant relate to em..
So guys mayb we shud practice abit more tolerance towards these "twits".. we seem them as degenerates the same way they see us as complete assholes..
Btw irawks, beauty can come in the form of attitude and personality wat.... why care what others think about you? fuck it jus b urself n feel good... right?
Ah Lians, Bengs, Punks, Nerds, Whatever.. we're all the same.. jus that we adopt diff identities because of certain circumstances..
Bengs n Lians can be compared to the equivalent of a punk. Misunderstood, treated like fuck most of their lives n thus they feel the need to voice out through the way they dress and look.. can't blame them... Its called an identity crises, if they stop doing all these "lian" stuff it would be an insecurity to them.. jus let em be.. everyone grows out of this stage sooner or later..
Also, many of them come from not so well to do families so we gotta understand the emotional plight they are in.. many of us are spoilt and this prolly cant relate to em..
So guys mayb we shud practice abit more tolerance towards these "twits".. we seem them as degenerates the same way they see us as complete assholes..
Btw irawks, beauty can come in the form of attitude and personality wat.... why care what others think about you? fuck it jus b urself n feel good... right?
Bengs n Lians can be compared to the equivalent of a punk. Misunderstood, treated like fuck most of their lives n thus they feel the need to voice out through the way they dress and look.. can't blame them... Its called an identity crises, if they stop doing all these "lian" stuff it would be an insecurity to them.. jus let em be.. everyone grows out of this stage sooner or later..
Also, many of them come from not so well to do families so we gotta understand the emotional plight they are in.. many of us are spoilt and this prolly cant relate to em..
So guys mayb we shud practice abit more tolerance towards these "twits".. we seem them as degenerates the same way they see us as complete assholes..
Btw irawks, beauty can come in the form of attitude and personality wat.... why care what others think about you? fuck it jus b urself n feel good... right?
OMG this blog is fantastic, or should i say ShoO CoOlXx nEhxZ for those lesser educated bengs/lians walking the very face of the earth. Lik get a LIFE, ah dont have to worry, u bengs/lians wont make it thru NS anyway. THIS BLOG ROCK MY SOCKS. KEEP POSTING! HI jk
Btw irawks, beauty can come in the form of attitude and personality wat.... why care what others think about you? fuck it jus b urself n feel good... right?
dde thhiing ishhx . ppriinggs & camryy lykk n0rr attiitudde w0rshhx . sayy pe0plee lyddat . wwe dunchhs caree euuiiees dershhx buddx ebberx siincee dishhx t0piid bl0ggiiee warshhx criiatedd m0ii ffwendds & ii 0wwaes kkenaa pe0plee sayy uus . euu n0ee h0ww chamm ishhx iit ff0r uus n0rttx ? wwe dunchhs ebbennx nn0ee ddem l0rshhx . euu tiink iishhx faiir tuhhs sayy uus ?
iif euu ebberx c dde antii m0tt siite , euu 0rshh0ee wiill c l0rshhx . m0tt iishhx p0pularr biic0rshhx 0rf bbaddm0uthhiin pe0plee . hh0ww cann dishhx happenn ?
dden whenn n0rr onee c0mees tuhhs deiir bl0ggiie lershhx , deyy gg0 dd0 xiiao-shann . ishhx lykk , shh0 attseekiing l0rshhx . s0meem0ree a fwendd 0ff m0ii ishhx calledd xiiao-shann 0rshh0ee . euuiiees n0ee h0ww shhe iishhx sayydd buaiix pe0plee n0rttx ? ddeyy tiinkk shhee ishhx hackker nehhs .
iin dishhx bl0gg , ddeyy calll pe0plee typee lykk dishhx ishhx twiit , iishhx lesserr beiinggs , iishhx lesserr edducatteedd , iishhx shuddx n0rrtx biiee exiist . whyy ? 0rshh0ee humanns lehhs uss . ww0 menn yye shhii renn lehhs ! euu diishhcriimiinatee pe0plee .
dishhx iishhx a hatee bl0ggiiee !
siingap0ree bl0gg awardds shuddx n0rttx habbx dishhx bl0ggiiee !
s0mee 0f uus cann0rttx typpee pr0perr enggliishhx . 0rr wwe dunchhs b0rthherr tuhhs , c0rshhx iits siian typpiingg engliishh 24/7 . whyy euu cann0rttx c ddat ?
ii purp0selyy ch0see dishhx p0stt tuhhs c0mmentt c0rshhx dishhx ishhx dde BESTTESTT p0stt tuhhs sh0ww ddatts m0tt ishhx WRONGG.
dde thhiing ishhx . ppriinggs & camryy lykk n0rr attiitudde w0rshhx . sayy pe0plee lyddat . wwe dunchhs caree euuiiees dershhx buddx ebberx siincee dishhx t0piid bl0ggiiee warshhx criiatedd m0ii ffwendds & ii 0wwaes kkenaa pe0plee sayy uus . euu n0ee h0ww chamm ishhx iit ff0r uus n0rttx ? wwe dunchhs ebbennx nn0ee ddem l0rshhx . euu tiink iishhx faiir tuhhs sayy uus ?
iif euu ebberx c dde antii m0tt siite , euu 0rshh0ee wiill c l0rshhx . m0tt iishhx p0pularr biic0rshhx 0rf bbaddm0uthhiin pe0plee . hh0ww cann dishhx happenn ?
dden whenn n0rr onee c0mees tuhhs deiir bl0ggiie lershhx , deyy gg0 dd0 xiiao-shann . ishhx lykk , shh0 attseekiing l0rshhx . s0meem0ree a fwendd 0ff m0ii ishhx calledd xiiao-shann 0rshh0ee . euuiiees n0ee h0ww shhe iishhx sayydd buaiix pe0plee n0rttx ? ddeyy tiinkk shhee ishhx hackker nehhs .
iin dishhx bl0gg , ddeyy calll pe0plee typee lykk dishhx ishhx twiit , iishhx lesserr beiinggs , iishhx lesserr edducatteedd , iishhx shuddx n0rrtx biiee exiist . whyy ? 0rshh0ee humanns lehhs uss . ww0 menn yye shhii renn lehhs ! euu diishhcriimiinatee pe0plee .
dishhx iishhx a hatee bl0ggiiee !
siingap0ree bl0gg awardds shuddx n0rttx habbx dishhx bl0ggiiee !
s0mee 0f uus cann0rttx typpee pr0perr enggliishhx . 0rr wwe dunchhs b0rthherr tuhhs , c0rshhx iits siian typpiingg engliishh 24/7 . whyy euu cann0rttx c ddat ?
ii purp0selyy ch0see dishhx p0stt tuhhs c0mmentt c0rshhx dishhx ishhx dde BESTTESTT p0stt tuhhs sh0ww ddatts m0tt ishhx WRONGG.
i have no idea what the previous comment was about. but those who get offended by this are like those who refuse to admit that they are really...
stupid :D
stupid :D
Rofl,this post made my day.
The first post is stupid.period.
I pity and admire prings and cam for all those nonsense they've went though with this. and those bytches aint pretty,nuh uh. Those flirts/act cool/ah bengs are prolly drooling over them. Good, stupid matches with stupid eh?
The first post is stupid.period.
I pity and admire prings and cam for all those nonsense they've went though with this. and those bytches aint pretty,nuh uh. Those flirts/act cool/ah bengs are prolly drooling over them. Good, stupid matches with stupid eh?
irawks: agree la mus b quite cham. but nvm la tahan... after awhile insults will sure wear off one...
mayb if u guys wud like more respect in this blog u cud try to make ur typing abit more readable? not say need to have perfect english but at least readable la lolz. Prove em wrong...
mayb if u guys wud like more respect in this blog u cud try to make ur typing abit more readable? not say need to have perfect english but at least readable la lolz. Prove em wrong...
cause you've got nothing better to do. it doesnt mean that you can actually raid people's privacy. so what if it's on the internet? there's still copyright laws to it. such a sad thing that few people realised it before mocking and shooting sarcasm that runs through their ego-filled brains.
weii fuck u lar..
p0se my frend photo..
chii baii kiia..
anyh0w steal ppl phot0..
still out kiim phot0 iin
u fuck off lar
ka0 beii ka0 bu kanaii na beii chow chii baii..
fuck ur mother g0 n diie lar
ur carmy sux cock lar..
chii baii
u handsome?
wiilliam hung more handsome ar
ur carmy is w0rse den lin ru hua n xu chun meii
flat-chest de..
no figure
den ur penis small lyk ant
or even w0rse..
mayb u dun even have a peniis
fuck tu much wiif ur carmy izit?
den d penis stuck in her stiinky vagiina ar?
ka0 beii kiia
p0se my frend photo..
chii baii kiia..
anyh0w steal ppl phot0..
still out kiim phot0 iin
u fuck off lar
ka0 beii ka0 bu kanaii na beii chow chii baii..
fuck ur mother g0 n diie lar
ur carmy sux cock lar..
chii baii
u handsome?
wiilliam hung more handsome ar
ur carmy is w0rse den lin ru hua n xu chun meii
flat-chest de..
no figure
den ur penis small lyk ant
or even w0rse..
mayb u dun even have a peniis
fuck tu much wiif ur carmy izit?
den d penis stuck in her stiinky vagiina ar?
ka0 beii kiia
i duno why sum pple like to act like gangster seh.. if they r really gangster wud they b on this stupid site? lolz.. n wasting their time scolding only 2 words. " chee bai " n "knn ".. pls la IF UR HOKKIEN IS POSER HOKKIEN DUN CUM ACT.
hoiis whyy euus take moi fwns da picture duuahs? makke pipo feel euus beli dulan h0rhs. h0okaes dunn t0k b0ut dwat. euus tink y0ur p0se beri nice huhs? the way euus h0ld da plasticbwagg at the nati0nal dae link v farnie sh0ws ur fatty hand . hen ha0 xia0s nehh. y0u nid extrim x b0hh wats0ns g0rtt al0tt nehhs aiiyahhs i tink euus b0 luiis buy na h0rhs. g0 whr ah? haii yah i n0oes la euus g0 rabbish dwamp gett de h0rhs.:)) hen ha0s ehhs, can teach pipos the way euus save. ''SHEN SHEN SHEN. FEI PaNgg zaii jianNs'' :)) aniiwaes i WOULD LOVE thuu see CAMRY thaa piic i bet she fitts d0se facts b0utt ''bimb0s ''n ''aRliians''.
CHEERS]] f0r d0se whu siidee m0ii :))
CHEERS]] f0r d0se whu siidee m0ii :))
anoymous... kaoz la lol..
if u want to be heard, at least make it such that people can read your handwriting la LOL. u type like this " Euu WorHx hArS " Hu the fuck understand... u think that can GAIN U RESPECT? LOLS.
if u want to be heard, at least make it such that people can read your handwriting la LOL. u type like this " Euu WorHx hArS " Hu the fuck understand... u think that can GAIN U RESPECT? LOLS.
ii side widdx euuiiees =D t0opiid M0T . fotohhs orshhoe marshhx suann pe0plee . M0T euurx fotohhs n0rttx all ishhx liidat one mehhs ? somee shho common dershhx p0see . shho ti kii dershhx . ii tiink euurx CAMRYY marshhx biiee bewriie chouu dershhx uhhs ? (: nebberx see hher fotohhs .. marshhx biiee dunchhs daree tuhhs takee fotohhs , c0rshhx tuhhh chouu riighhts ?
ii dunchhs noee larshhx . maybiee ii typee properr engg lorshhx . pringgx dunchhs ebbenx daree tuhhs comee heree . =) hhum ji kkia .
Like, wtf yah? Do you really expect me to be viewing my every entry everyday hoping someone'd comment and talk about me? What humji dont dare to come here. Sorry huh, the thing is, I don't visit my every post everyday like you do.
Your whole comment is all about contradicting yourself. Talk so much crap, and a "ii dunn0oe larshhxzxzx. maaybie ii typ3 propurr engrish lorxzx" And? I'd love to see you do that. So I really wouldn't have to degrade myself to your level to converse with you.
Your whole comment is all about contradicting yourself. Talk so much crap, and a "ii dunn0oe larshhxzxzx. maaybie ii typ3 propurr engrish lorxzx" And? I'd love to see you do that. So I really wouldn't have to degrade myself to your level to converse with you.
this is a difinite thumbs up! lol. they look really freaky. like damn. whats their problem? so many postures with the same damn "pathetic"look. ROARR.
*pretty means pretty no need to take until like what.
and to those who hate that entry, get lost thn. why hang around here. we dont welcome you anyway. ESPECIALLY those who just posts "wtf,nb,ccb,lj,kp,kb..." youre just wasting your damn time here. go get a life tiny asses =)
*pretty means pretty no need to take until like what.
and to those who hate that entry, get lost thn. why hang around here. we dont welcome you anyway. ESPECIALLY those who just posts "wtf,nb,ccb,lj,kp,kb..." youre just wasting your damn time here. go get a life tiny asses =)
i dun eben come here alot -.- juz sometimes. dun mind mi using short form uh. ya not comin here ler. can cheer up lor den dance dance.
gib up dun care ^^V
gib up dun care ^^V
number 9 is quite pretty what :D she prolly ripped that picture off some japanese website &claimed it as her own :/
oh my god, they make me that i actually look good. god, can't they just sit properly and take the goddamn photo instead of their failed attempts to look good.
though can sae it ishh wrong to jus save pple pics and post it and comments bout them. but aft all ishh ur blogg. spore do hav a law. copyrighted. eeu shld askk permission frm dat pple b4 jus post her pics and comments
zomg! lol.. 23rd july to this present date?! >.< LOL i'm a lil late i guess.. but all i wanna say is.. you guys/gals really do rock. whatever you've been posting is so totally true and i just wanna express support fer this awesome blog =D
and yes, to all "gangsters", "punks" and what not out there. screw yourselves.. you dont deserve to even comment here if you do not even possess the most basic command of english. seriously.. you people are what makes singapore appear like a 3rd world country.. and if i were the prime minister, i'd cart you straight off to the firing sqaud.. every single one of you illiterate morons!
and if.. IF you do wanna take this up like the first guy does.. e.g. "CUM out la" then you can just go on crying home to mom and ask her what i mean when i call you a freakin pathetic excuse fer something that shouldnt even have been conceived =)
and yes, to all "gangsters", "punks" and what not out there. screw yourselves.. you dont deserve to even comment here if you do not even possess the most basic command of english. seriously.. you people are what makes singapore appear like a 3rd world country.. and if i were the prime minister, i'd cart you straight off to the firing sqaud.. every single one of you illiterate morons!
and if.. IF you do wanna take this up like the first guy does.. e.g. "CUM out la" then you can just go on crying home to mom and ask her what i mean when i call you a freakin pathetic excuse fer something that shouldnt even have been conceived =)
whoever made this blog rocks BIG TIME! for those malays who wanna act chinese for publicity can go and die. GET A LIFE LAH DEY.those malay who act cuteXXX and those chinese who act cuteXXX mirror urself can? stupid..put xxx for wad..PORNO AR? not only girls lahh..those ah bengs also wanna act cute..freak. YOU ALL can go and DIE! say what throw mother shoe right? i use ur sister's high heels and poke ur act big eyes ok! take your brother in law's slipper and slap your bloody puffer fish big cheeks ok. KNNBCCB.
Seriously people, why bother with these people? Let me put it this way aite.
They have an IQ of 2, and it takes and IQ of 3 to bark.
So why bother replying their nonsensical(and often, unreadable) comments?
They have an IQ of 2, and it takes and IQ of 3 to bark.
So why bother replying their nonsensical(and often, unreadable) comments?
eh our problem ar to post comments..you problem isit? so stupid..yeah..u shud make anti cute society..i will surely join..
hahaha i cant believ how people say they are wasting time here yet they could post so many comments on here...seriously if u don lik this blog to poke their nose in other people business, then why are u poking your nose in their business??? they post what they lik... gees... and one thing ah lian do not speak like u do IRAWKS do not insult ah lians who are not as pathetic as u are...
btw this blog ROCKS!!!!!
btw this blog ROCKS!!!!!
thiis ishh verii whart l0r.
iff post like thart 0s0 wr0ong
ppose like that makes the pers0n prettier kk ?!
twiits will stay str0ng.
we kn0w what we s0und loiike.
dunnchh nidd to make funnn niahhs.
go && DIE x(
fcukk euu larhs.
iff post like thart 0s0 wr0ong
ppose like that makes the pers0n prettier kk ?!
twiits will stay str0ng.
we kn0w what we s0und loiike.
dunnchh nidd to make funnn niahhs.
go && DIE x(
fcukk euu larhs.
"thiis ishh verii whart l0r.
iff post like thart 0s0 wr0ong
ppose like that makes the pers0n prettier kk ?!
twiits will stay str0ng.
we kn0w what we s0und loiike.
dunnchh nidd to make funnn niahhs.
go && DIE x(
fcukk euu larhs."
Ok ok. Please stop your alien language. Please speak proper english. didn't your teacher teach you? If you are trying to act punk, Please try harder. You are PUNKS will never win us. TRY HARDER PLEASE. THANKS!
iff post like thart 0s0 wr0ong
ppose like that makes the pers0n prettier kk ?!
twiits will stay str0ng.
we kn0w what we s0und loiike.
dunnchh nidd to make funnn niahhs.
go && DIE x(
fcukk euu larhs."
Ok ok. Please stop your alien language. Please speak proper english. didn't your teacher teach you? If you are trying to act punk, Please try harder. You are PUNKS will never win us. TRY HARDER PLEASE. THANKS!
you motherfucker. you have got no life. stop thinking that you're so angmoh and so smart lah. face it, you're just another typical singaporean who loves to make fun of other people. man, singaporeans like you sucks my ass. GO SUCK MY TOES THEN. I bet you only listen to gay songs and eat gayshit. I'M WAY SMARTER THAN YOU, FUCKER. by the way, if hate singapore so much as you hate yourself, get the fucking hell out of here then. oops, I forgot, you're got no life.
"ppose like that makes the pers0n prettier kk ?!"
HatepeoplewhoactPUNKS... please.. dont even compare them to punks.. punks are way above that lol..
HatepeoplewhoactPUNKS... please.. dont even compare them to punks.. punks are way above that lol..
"you motherfucker. you have got no life. stop thinking that you're so angmoh and so smart lah. face it, you're just another typical singaporean who loves to make fun of other people. man, singaporeans like you sucks my ass. GO SUCK MY TOES THEN. I bet you only listen to gay songs and eat gayshit. I'M WAY SMARTER THAN YOU, FUCKER. by the way, if hate singapore so much as you hate yourself, get the fucking hell out of here then. oops, I forgot, you're got no life."
Hey friend, whats the link between get the hell out of singapore and no life??
i don't understand. guess you are some childish kid. grow up. HAHA!
What a disgrace to us singaporeans. Please get things right, WE love Singapore but you people are like parasites of singapore which we hate the most.
Hey friend, whats the link between get the hell out of singapore and no life??
i don't understand. guess you are some childish kid. grow up. HAHA!
What a disgrace to us singaporeans. Please get things right, WE love Singapore but you people are like parasites of singapore which we hate the most.
oh c'mon,you said they've got no life and what crap,they look ugly,well you need a life too.posting up this blog,i can see it takes quite a load of effort for you to post those horrific pics from random bitch.but uhh,you might as well do something useful,setting up a brothel and force them to prostitution.you can earn good money.and my friend Ah Dick can help you, alongside with Ah Boob. i hate ah bengs,ah lians,and i hate gangsterism.my name is dan and im from yishun.yeah bebeh.come find us Nasum and we will show ya'll a taste of life. MMMmmuacks!.. ~haha..i'm starting to sound like Ah Gay..
yeaps. i totally agree with the other people. this is a COOLblog and pring is drop dead handsome. well, for some people, please do not corrupt this blog with your horrifying language with all those " neHxXx", "horXx", "knnbccb" etc. i probably might need to go for a brain wash after reading too much of the language. my brain is much more precious to be damaged by these things. yeaps. i think you better go back to primary school. lols. yeah. ohh yeah. i might have a few spelling errors. not enough time to type now. ciao.
The only weapons Ah bengs and Lians have are their dumbass languages which only extends to vulgarities.
I guarantee you if you speak and type with an "x" wherever you go, you'll never find a job anywhere in the world, except being a Prositute or a Gig.
I'm not gonna say Ah Beng and Lians gotta hell, just hope they come to their sense before they themselves get thrown into hell by their own stupidity.
Besides, if the Ah Bengs and Lians got gang, we normal people also got gang, and they are more dependable. Wanna know? OUR GANG IS THE FAMOUS SINGAPORE POLICE
The only weapons Ah bengs and Lians have are their dumbass languages which only extends to vulgarities.
I guarantee you if you speak and type with an "x" wherever you go, you'll never find a job anywhere in the world, except being a Prositute or a Gig.
I'm not gonna say Ah Beng and Lians gotta hell, just hope they come to their sense before they themselves get thrown into hell by their own stupidity.
Besides, if the Ah Bengs and Lians got gang, we normal people also got gang, and they are more dependable. Wanna know? OUR GANG IS THE FAMOUS SINGAPORE POLICE
WELL DONE. This blog is superb! I agree that lians and bengs are just plain wanna-be act tough dumbasses. And to everyone out there, NUMBER 16 has gotten more uglier and lian-i-fied.
Check her face out at
and if possible, her blog at
(those who can hack pws please do so for this one.)
Get a bucket ready for she is an extreme.
She spews vulgarities and acts cute and tough, plays weak and flirts with guys and DOES DRUGS. She's a minor and you know what hits the jackpot??? SHE CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN. Amazing huh!
hey, Rock on. YOUR BLOG RULES!!!
Check her face out at
and if possible, her blog at
(those who can hack pws please do so for this one.)
Get a bucket ready for she is an extreme.
She spews vulgarities and acts cute and tough, plays weak and flirts with guys and DOES DRUGS. She's a minor and you know what hits the jackpot??? SHE CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN. Amazing huh!
hey, Rock on. YOUR BLOG RULES!!!
good shit,ai ben gin the first comment has overly sized balls and telling people to cum out on ur face makes me wanna chop my penis off,mother old shoe,why not just let his mom kick you in the face,if he not cum 2 this world 4 wat fcuk,?if you didnt it will be a difference in life,you got that right about the facts he has to face,and it's you,seeing ur name as anonymous do u honestly think you are brave enough>??and you think ur commetn will seriously reach his penis and force him to take ur friend's photo out?he can do whatever the fuck he wants and you can't do shit about its so just fuck off and fuck away,why why why why why why GOD WHY!!!!!!!!do we have people like this,if i were trapped in a pit with an ah lian and a gorilla,i'd most probably hump the gorilla
Hey nice blog!!!speak singlish never mind but don't spell like that. such words like 'euu' 'lykk' or what ever rubbish are just fucking dumb. yes only your kind of retarded no life shit heads with jerked up computers that have grime encrusted keyboards filled with your fucking cum from not washing your fucking hands.
i love this blogger, why? he speaks his mind, comdamns retards in singapore which are just a bane to singapore, why a bane? because they just fucking waste their crappy lives 'slacking' waste time, skip school .. etc
what can such loser do? simple when they are in their middle age they complain government is not good enough to support them, tax too high when its their own fucking fault! never study rot their life
also such people meet fuck around produce babies which are like them, such a nice cycle of disgusting humans are breed for the generations to come.
i love this blogger, why? he speaks his mind, comdamns retards in singapore which are just a bane to singapore, why a bane? because they just fucking waste their crappy lives 'slacking' waste time, skip school .. etc
what can such loser do? simple when they are in their middle age they complain government is not good enough to support them, tax too high when its their own fucking fault! never study rot their life
also such people meet fuck around produce babies which are like them, such a nice cycle of disgusting humans are breed for the generations to come.
Hey, idiots, it's up to them what they want to put in their bloggs what. You control them izzit? And don't call people "bitch" when you don't know their personality dude.i have one thing to say to you... FESS UP!
those girls who pose so near to the camera with their eyes super big, looks as if they waiting to be cummed on their face..
whats with the idea of putting all 13 of your ugly freaky eyes all together?! are you out of your mind!!
whats with the idea of putting all 13 of your ugly freaky eyes all together?! are you out of your mind!!
h0iish euu all beRrii kpkBb leiis whyy takke m0iie fwnn derrhs piic.. euus all take den feel berri duahh oredii ahhx. h0w b0utt takiing of u n uRr bel0vedd GF de piic leiix put dere larhhx dun wear any clothes den laBell dunChh wear aniitingg da best laRhhx, tell euus all wad. euu all hate arhh liians arhh bengs waddeva twiits g0ng simii saii. ii dun carre jux l0ok at daa mirr0r see hw euu lo0k lykke u all lo0k better den dem den ghudd lorhhx ii got nth to sae bt mayyb u cannt accept the fact that theyy are more 'IN' thenn euu all bahhx. ibb ebba offen u all UNCLES.AUNTIES.AHCHEK.AHPEK. wa miie shoo sowwiies woRRsh. uncle ahhx. shuldntt euu b watchiing world cup driinking beer and goiing to k0piitiam see gerl whiich euu cannot get? AUNTIIE ahhx shuldnt euu be att h0me co0kiing for your CHILDREN ohhx. mayybb euu no chilldren u too auntiie lia0ws. meii youu renn yao nii. keliian w0rshh. euu n0rtt chii0 bu . otherwiSe whyy no childrenn nehhx :) ii tiink u no la0gong or bf. u bec0me lesbiian aunttiie suan ler :) n0 nidd taNkk m0ii f0r da aDviice w0rsh. gladd t0 help u auntiies :)0hh yahhx h0rsh. euu all dun00 hw to readd ouRr kinDda engliiSh nehhx. maybe. iis n0rtt u all dunCh understaNdd whRr ur la0huayan de sPectacles aRggs? ohh u g0rtt la0renchiidaiizhen. sadd f0r u. euu go jUmpp d0wn daa bUillding l0rhhx die faster n'dd happier
you all one kind one.. everything is about looks and being "in".. wtf sia so narrow minded.. Fuck tong hua love story and GET A LIFE LA LOSER.
you all one kind one.. everything is about looks and being "in".. wtf sia so narrow minded.. Fuck tong hua love story and GET A LIFE LA LOSER.
why do you guys tend to believe pple who type like morons.. are bengs and lians.. and people who take picture like that are pai kias..
why comment on them.. you know you will be hurt when someone comments on you..
why comment on them.. you know you will be hurt when someone comments on you..
HAHAHA. had a good time laughing!!
yea. So damn typical of them.. keep it up guys. ooh. and congrats to you n camry.
yea. So damn typical of them.. keep it up guys. ooh. and congrats to you n camry.
to MAYI:
Thanks LOADS! I have found out her password too! I'm thinking of stuff to flame her with. She's annoying.
Thanks LOADS! I have found out her password too! I'm thinking of stuff to flame her with. She's annoying.
One more thing...you know how stupid ah lians and bengs are when they say: Don't hide behind the com blah blah blah....
...and sign off as Anonymous.
Twits indeed.
...and sign off as Anonymous.
Twits indeed.
Picture number 5 will always make me laugh so so fuckin' hard. If you look closely, you can spot her armpit hairs.
=) Happy finding.
=) Happy finding.
fuckin' bravo! kudos to you dear sir or madam, for the moments of side-splitting laughter as I read your post.
those who have hears, let him hear!
those who have hears, let him hear!
holy shit ; that was an awesome post.
i am against those bitchy noobs who act cute and talk liike tiish larhhx.
it's disgusting.whaatever happened to our normal english ?
the first picture looks pretty innocent though.is she some 5 year old kid or some 17 year old bastard trying to look cute?
'chii baii kiia..' just how many iis do they fucking need ? act cute posers. the first post is somewhat pretty damn twit-ish.
Kudos to the blog! :D great idea of yours.
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i am against those bitchy noobs who act cute and talk liike tiish larhhx.
it's disgusting.whaatever happened to our normal english ?
the first picture looks pretty innocent though.is she some 5 year old kid or some 17 year old bastard trying to look cute?
'chii baii kiia..' just how many iis do they fucking need ? act cute posers. the first post is somewhat pretty damn twit-ish.
Kudos to the blog! :D great idea of yours.
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